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"Cat's Hearing Apparatus Is Built To allow The Human Voice To Easily Go In One Ear & Out The Other" (Stephen Baker)


The Siamese originated in Siam now Thailand, with the first cat recorded in 1350 A.D. in a painting from the then King's Palace in Ayudah, the capital of ancient Siam. The only person allowed to "own" a Siamese was the King & it was through a gift to a visiting Regal of a pair of Siamese that the breed has become known throughout the world.
The Siamese is now regarded as the most popular & recognised breed world-wide.Your Siamese will quickly gain its own personality once it settles into it's new life with you.The Siamese is the "talking" cat of the cat world, because of its unique voice & it's interest in having a "cat-versation" with humans.
These cats are very outgoing, inqusitive & curios creatures, leading to them being found in the oddest of situations.(Our original Siamese, Regal used to open the fridge door & help himself to dinner, but it was always OURS that he ate.) Its not unusual to find one of our cats asleep on a shelf in the pantry or at the top of the broom cupboard.
Due to a Siamese's personality (adventurous to say the least) I STRONGLY advocate (as the responsible pet owner that I know you are) to always keep your Siamese safe inside.If you are at home most of the time you will not have problems, But if you are away for lengthy periods build your cat an outdoor enclosure & he/she will love you for it.

The Siamese is the most loyal & loving companion a human could wish for, adapting to most new situations with ease. They are ideal for people of all ages, especially if you want a cat that can be both entertaining & a "lap" cat.If you are looking for that special companion in your life, go to our Contact Page & get in touch, as we regularly have kittens available for loving homes.


Meet Miroki Ki our very first Miroki bred RED POINT Siamese
Miroki Ki was born 21/01/2001,
SIRE: Ludon Tantalus A Red Point Siamese
DAM: Tarbooandi Diadeema a Blue Tortie Point Balinese.
Today, Ki & Rueben have left us for thier new homes. This is the hardest part of being a "breeder", having to give up those that we love. But, today 13/04/2001 we were so fortunate to have Rebecca and Niki become part of our very extended family.Rebecca with Rueben & Niki with Ki, Ros and I thank you very much for the kindness you showed us and wish you both as much happiness as we have had with these two great little guys. Even though our hearts ache it is easier knowing that our boys have gone to two beautiful people as, you both are. Again thank you.

" A cat pours his body on the floor like water. It is restfull just to see him." (William Lyon Phelps)


This graceful & lithe cat is closely tied with the Siamese, both originating from Siam.In fact (unlike the Balinese breed) the Oriental Shorthair can trace its heritage back to the origins of the Siamese breed.
The Oreintals decline came about as a breed, because in the 1920's the Siamese Cat Club of Britain issued a statement as follows, "The club regrets it is unable to encourage the breeding of anything but colour pointed, blue-eyed Siamese."
From then on Self (Solid) colored cats with yellow or green eyes were excluded from Siamese classes at shows. Thankfully though, this resulted in the begining of a separate breed, known today world-wide as the ORIENTAL SHORTHAIR.

The classic Oriental With its short, fine, shiny coat & solid colour it's piercing green eyes & the long streamlined body makes it the most striking of cats.
They are affectionately known as the "greyhound" of the feline world. Thier personality is identical to the Siamese, with each developing an individuality that is unsurpassed anywhere else in the cat world. The Oriental DEMANDS TOTAL UNDIVIDED ATTENTION from thier owners & in return GIVING THEMSELVES TOTALLY & WITHOUT RESERVATION. The Oriental is a great climber, practising on furniture & curtains in its own home. They are very active, lively & full of fun.
If you want more information on anything you have read or, if you would like one of these adventurous cats to be part of your home, Contact Miroki.

Contact Greg & Ros at Miroki

"Like a graceful vase, a cat ,when motionless, seems to flow.(G.F.Will)


The svelte lines, grace of movement and the flow of its long silk coat, reminded the pioneer breeders of the Balinese exotic dancers, hence the name BALINESE.
The choice of name is a good one as it reflects the similarities & closeness of the Balinese to the Siamese. In fact the Balinese has no connection with the island of Bali. The Balinese is actually a Siamese, the only difference being the Balinese's soft, silky long coat.

As you would expect the Balinese shares many of the characteristics of the Siamese. They are acrobatic, loving to run, jump, climb curtains & furniture & ride the shoulders of their owners.The Balinese has a similar voice to the Siamese, but its not as loud (thank goodness), & they still love a good "catversation". Their coat is much easier to look after than the other long haired breed, Persians etc, as it is tangle free making it easier to groom.This breed is the ultimate lap cat, whilst retaining a certain degree of aloofness.
If you think the Balinese is the cat for you, contact Miroki for further information & the availibility of kittens.

Contact Miroki

Say Hi to Miroki Rueben, he is a Havana Oriental a lover & a sook.

Miroki Rueben was born 22/01/2001
SIRE: Grand Champion Broadacres Last Chance a Cinnamon Oriental.
DAM: Tarbooandi Saillittle a Chocolate Point Siamese.

Miroki Centurian
Seal Point Balinese (m)

Born : 02/01/2001
Sire : Torak Captain Long Jon
Seal Point Balinese
Dam : Tienshan Witchypoo
Seal Point Balinese
